Monday, February 4, 2008

Intellectual Property

I'm in contact with an awesome bunch of ladies who meet every second month, like an informal networking group, called Creative Women's Circle. These ladies are from many diverse backgrounds, including fashion, interior design, architecture, community work, DJing, events promotion, publishing, photography - you name it!

The first Creative Women’s Circle gathering for 2008 is this coming Saturday, excuse the short notice, here are the details.

Date: Saturday 9th February
Time: 11am – 1pm
Venue: MARS Gallery Café Space, (rear of gallery), 418 Bay Street, Port Melbourne
RSVP: By Thursday 7th February please to

Our topic for this get together is:

“Intellectual Property – What is it and why is it so important?”

Presented by IP lawyer and freelance writer Sharon Givoni. Sharon will bring along one of her clients, leather handbag creator Karin Heller, who owns the KIKKO Brand, to discuss how they worked together to protect her creative business.

She will also discuss trade marks, copyright, protecting ideas, and the limits to protecting ideas. This will be a valuable session for all our creatives, with ample time for interaction and questions.

Look forward to seeing you there, and as always please feel free to bring along some of your creations to “show and tell”!

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