Folks you may need a lie down after this, it's quite momentous........
Yes indeed, it is the new Lefflers, at 171 Kensington Rd, West Melb (seems more like Kensington to me).
Gone are the days of musty dark corners, of feeling like the perfect item for you exists in the building but no-one knows where/what it is, no more falling down the stairs from saddlery into shoe repairs, no more touch parking in the miniscule car park.
Yes the old building had character, yes Sth Melb is much more happening than this end of Kensington Rd, yes this new aircraft hangar of a building is going to get the extremes of Melbourne weather,but from a customers perspective, this is heaven. OK it's a bit like Bunnings, there is a bit of a check out corral, but its all there for you to see, in uniform shelves, tubs, rolls, sections, its organised.
I have been three times in two weeks - you can't keep me away. It helps that I have made friends with the wonderfully perky Sue, it always helps to have a friend there. I feel like I can fully understand the entirety of Lefflers, their products and services, of which there are many; I finally get it.
Did you know that they supply to the bookbinding crowd? That they have the most amazing Irish waxed linen thread, saddlery elastic from Lancashire (a place dear to the heart of my Dad), yellow waxy cowhide for making whips, it's a treasure trove. It always was, but now I can see it all clearly.
Go and visit!
strangely I was thinking today that i hadn't made it to the new improved leffler's..... mmmmmm leather, i can smell dead animals.... can't wait!
Hey it still smells the same, that amazing leather aroma, apparently the staff there have immune noses, can't smell the wood for the trees!
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