Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Del Kathryn Barton

Yes indeed, the strangely beautiful world of Del Kathryn Barton will be on show, opening next Weds at Karen Woodbury Gallery. My son will probably spend the whole time pointing out the 'boobies', but I am so keen to scrutinise the way DKB uses colour.

Apparently the kooky fashion label Romance Was Born are also enamoured of DKB's work, she has been designing prints for them for a while now, and there is another show on featuring the aforementioned two at the National Design Centre (Fed Sq) during Loreal Melb Fashion Week.

The show is called Garden of Eden, for details have a look here at the Cultural Program, managed by the awesome Kate Rhodes previously of Craft Vic, now at the NDC. A lot of musical chairs going on at Craft Vic, sad to see Kate go but she's not that far away!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PS. Del Kathryn won the Archibald Prize last Friday, 7th March. Her entry was a portrait of her with her two children, titled, 'You are what is most beautiful about me'. Well deserved and a great boost for visitors to her show at Karen Woodbury Gallery.