Friday, June 6, 2008

Golden Hands Indeed

The above photo is not my head, it's a slinky '70's mama from my Golden Hands book, issue 1. I do wish I had sleek hair and gamine features like her, instead I have a rather unruly bouffant mop, which is in between short and long - the danger zone where bobby pins are called upon in great number.

The reason for this pic is that on the previously mentioned holiday, I crocheted myself this hat in cherry red wool. Such an instant gratification project. And, may I say, so refreshing to make something just because, just for me - no worrying about costing, markup, swing tags, schlepping it about to shops etc.

I hereby resolve to go through my complete set of Golden Hands (yes I am lording it about a bit), issue by issue, and make whatever I like. How liberating!


meetmeatmikes said...

I.. Emma... have nearly learnt to crochet a granny square.. i'm still a bit befuddled.. but I'm trying, lord I am trying! Hope your holiday was lovely and thank you a bunchy for the Postcard and look forward to a catch up soon!

Anonymous said...

I SO need to crochet this hat - and I do have a set of Golden Hands! Thanks for the inspiration to just do it.

Unknown said...

I'm doing this hat! It's my Mum's Golden Hands book, and it's my first project. I did do a tension square, but I think my tension changed when I started proper. So the first try came out too small for my head and had 8 fan-type things in the sixth row. I've started again, with a bigger hook and somehow I have 9 fans in my sixth row, and it isn't curving into a hat shape yet. Yikes! I have had some problems in the past in losing or gaining stitches, but this is pretty drastic. Can you tell me how many fans you have in your first row of fans? Thanks very much.

Unknown said...

Hazy Daisy I hope that you and this hat will work things out, I remember when I made it I had a few false starts due to wrong hook size.
Turns out that I have 9 fans in the last row before the brim. I hope this helps!

Slots Odds said...

Bravo, remarkable idea