Thursday, February 9, 2012

Birthday loot!

I do make a fuss on my birthday, and my peeps are becoming accustomed to the shenanigans. I sing silly almost-birthday songs leading up to the day, I dance around the letterbox when cards and parcels are delivered, I am wearing my best kimono (sleeves flapping in the breeze as we ride to school) - I may be 38 but really I am still about 7 years old!

So I've sampled Haigh's Truffles delivered to my door by Paula, have coloured in with my Stabilo fine liners in rainbow format (thanks Leo, Sam and Hazel!), have ooohed and aaahed over the fine books (thanks Mum, thanks Leila!) and stamps (thanks Dad!) and I hear that the Taco Truck is in my neighbourhood today, what a treat!

I hope that some of my ridiculous bonhomie rubs off on you too, here, have another exclamation point!


Janine said...

Happy birthday! Yay!

I love birthdays too, hope your day is extra special, exciting and fabulous! Have a great time with your loot!

Exclamation point!

Beck said...

Big Ups on your birthday lady and love the load of loot. Glad to hear you've had a great day and heres hoping the taco truck delivered. xxx

Julianna said...

Happy birthday! Mine was last week and I behave in the same way as you do about it!